Cast Interviews

Meet Bryan!  Salt Shaker is Bryan's second production with New Covenant.  Bryan has several key parts in the production, including Jesus and David.

What grade are you in?
8th Grade.

What is your favorite subject in school?

What are some things that you like to do?
I like to play drums, guitar, and piano.

If you could play any character, who would it be?
I like mine in Salt Shaker.

I'm content with what I have, I got the parts I wanted and that's what matters.

What is the best part about being involved with the play?
Probably getting to be in a bigger role.  I've never really been an important character and it's interesting to have to be more devoted. It's more work but the payoff is worth it.

How did you get involved with the play?
Micah Phillips got me a part in Lifeboat last year and I was asked to come back for Salt Shaker.

Which parts are you playing in Salt Shaker?
I'm playing Ehud, David, and Jesus.

Which one is your favorite?
Jesus, I feel he's the part I portray the best.

How did you go about developing your character?
I just try to be calm. Calm is Jesus-esque.

Which character, played by another person, do you like the most and why?
I like John played by Dakota Fraley. He does the part really well and doesn't stand out.  He really blends in well, while at the same time being an important character.

What is the most difficult thing you have encountered during this production so far?
There's a certain line that makes me laugh, but I have to keep a straight face.

What have you learned about yourself from your experience with drama this year?
I learned that I can act a part well even if it's outside of my normal behavior.


What grade are you in?
10th Grade

What are your favorite subjects in school?
Acting and Psychology.

What are some things that you like to do?
I like gaming, acting, swimming, and hanging with my friends.

If you could play any character, who would it be?
I like Ehud.  He obeys God's command to kill someone evil and escapes human punishment, and also because he is left-handed.

What is the best part about being involved with the play?
I think that the best part is that I get to act with my friends.

How did you get involved with the play?
I am enrolled with the school and I like to act.

Which parts are you playing in Salt Shaker?
I am playing Balaam, Eleazar, Jonathan, Young Apostle John, and Old Apostle John.

Which one is your favorite?
My favorite is Jonathan because he's like me, he's very rash, he beats the enemy, and in the end he gets the girl.

How did you go about developing your character?
I thought, "How would this character, in that time, have responded?"  Then I think about how I would respond, and I fuse them together.

Which character, played by another person, do you like the most and why?
Probably David, because David was a really awesome person in the Bible and I think Bryan does a great job with the character.

What is the most difficult thing you have encountered during this production so far?
I don’t really like how some of my lines are phrased.

What have you learned about yourself from your experience with drama this year?
That I like acting with my friends, and, that I'm not a rule follower.

Why do you think people should come to see this play?
People should come see Salt Shaker because I'm in it!

Meet Dakota!  Salt Shaker will be the third production that Dakota has participated in since the Spring of 2010.  In his first production with NCCS [Uncle Phil's Diner] he played Perry Albritton and was an understudy for PJ the DJ, in his second production [Lifeboat] Dakota played Sparks. Dakota is playing a number of different roles in Salt Shaker. 



Meet Erin! Erin is a High School Senior and has been heavily involved in New Covenant Christian School's drama productions since the ninth grade.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Drama of course.

What are some things that you like to do?
I love performing and changing lives through drama. I love singing on my college group praise team. Basically I love using my talents to glorify God.

What are some things that you would like to do in the future?
I would like to start a Christian drama ministry and travel and change lives through drama.

If you could play any character, who would it be?
Christine in Phantom of the Opera because it's an amazing and challenging role, and, it's my dream to be in a musical.

What is the best part about being involved with Salt Shaker?
It's more experience and another thing to list on my resume.

How did you get involved with Salt Shaker?
Through the homeschool. This is my 4th year performing with New Covenant.

Which parts are you playing in Salt Shaker?
I'll be playing Sarah, Mary, and a Philistine soldier.

Which one is your favorite?
Sarah. Her attitude is so sweet and she's like a mother character.

How did you go about developing your character?
Reading the [Bible] verses on Sarah, seeing what she's been through in life to apply that to her attitude and manerisms.

Which character, played by another person, do you like the most and why?
It's cliche, but Jesus would have to be my favorite character. Bryan does a great job at representing Jesus and bringing him to life.

What is the most difficult thing you have encountered up to this point in the production?
Having to act, direct, and work behind the scenes at the same time. I love it though!

What have you learned about yourself from your experience with drama this year?
I've been reassured more that performing arts is where I'm called to serve.

Why do you think people should come to see this play?
Because the kids this year are working so hard and learning so much about drama. They're opening themselves up to learn new things and are willing to be taught. It's amazing to see how far they've come, and I believe the performances will show all of that.